Fox also wants to go up a storey still higher.


Evaluating whether an actor can afford the box office does not mean how many ratings he has played. This is one thing.
On the other hand, the key is bad movies.
It’s a bad movie
An artist can make a bad film and get a good box office. That’s really amazing!
Of course, because of Fang Siyi’s intervention, Fox didn’t appear in the rotten film Cry on the Island that made her famous.
"Cry of the Island" movies are all scum, but with the addition of a little fox, you can sell a good result!
This is the proof that an actor can carry the box office button!
Of course, it should be said that the classic fox is more in front of "Beauty’s Calculation"
After that …
It’s hard to be mediocre
However, the good reason is that Fang Siyi has a lot of resources, and there are not many negative stories, although the fame is not great.
Even if someone interviewed the bosses in Beijing, what did they think of the little fox? No one took the initiative to speak ill of Fang Siyi.
Huaxia Beijing Circle may not be the most popular group, but in fact, Beijing Circle is the group with the top screen range of the National University!
He will be ejected from all the same bad films, but the people in the Beijing circle have not been angered by a director
If you want to be famous, it’s normal to be close to the magic capital gang and the Hong Kong circle, but if you want to go further, you must be close to the Beijing circle
After all, Beijing Circle controls nearly 10% of China’s top screen resources.
Yingbao and Fox are not supposed to overlap too much. After all, Yingbao always feels like a sister next door, while Fox is your power sister in society.
But the problem is fans.
Or how to say, fans pay for idols.
Two artists in the same company, but also popular female artists, both of them are one of the top female artists nowadays.
This gave birth to a problem.
That is the problem of resources.
There is no denying that Drea has a lot of resources.
Fang Siyi is famous for paying attention to drama. He still has a lot of IP and is a well-known screenwriter. It is reasonable to say that resources are not worried about anything.
Although Drea has been established for nearly ten years now, it is too young compared with the same level companies.
Although Fang Siyi has tried every means to dig up the behind-the-scenes people, even up to now, she has been able to come up with a team of about half. In other words, Drea can support two films at the same time at most.
But the most important thing for Drea flag is female artists!
Dogs and Shawn Dou are lucky. They have good looks, talents and acting skills. Although they are both very low-key, they are popular and famous.
But his female artist is really a headache.
Not to mention the big dollar and yaya, it is a headache to say that Reba and Li Yitong have just risen recently.
This is why Fang Siyi turned a blind eye to the situation that Fox has been playing with Reba and is about to turn her into her own studio flag female artist.
It’s simple. It’s too big to spread.
In other words, it’s too big to talk about that
This is something that can’t be helped. Fang Siyi, after all, is too young to know how to win people, but he doesn’t know how to keep people popular.
In other words, it is easier to start a business than to keep it.
This also caused the Drea department to fight a little seriously.
Yingbao and Fox will stop talking.
Reba and Li Yitong are a pair of rivals whose company has almost surfaced.
There’s no way to cultivate a self-proclaimed dream by Drea bit by bit.
The other is Fang Siyi who holds it up. The two people are not much different in age. Although the former is younger, the latter is closer to Fang Siyi.
This also caused a certain degree of consumption.
Fang Siyi also acquiesced in the fact that Fox dug Reba into her own workshop flag.
Good little fox, but she has never thought of opening her own door. She has always known that she can make a debut for more than ten years, and the situation is still very popular today, thanks to Fang Siyu’s happiness.
It is also a disguised Fang Siyi to relieve anxiety.
In fact, although Fox and Yingbao have various differences, they are both in the same company and are close to Fang Siyi.
The difference is that one is face-to-face and the other is private and semi-public.
This caused fans from both sides to fight from the beginning.
This contradiction is even worse when the two people are exposed from time to time to travel and play together intimately.
After all, it is common sense for you to understand the creature of fans.

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听悦SPA的店面装修简约而不失高雅,整体色调以米白色和淡蓝色为主,给人一种宁静、舒适的感觉。走进店内,轻柔的音乐和柔和的灯光让人瞬间放松下来。在这里,你可以尽情地享受专业的按摩服务,缓解一天的疲劳。 听悦SPA拥有一支专业的按摩师团队,他们经过严格的培训,掌握了多种按摩技巧。从泰式按摩、中式按摩到瑞典式按摩,从面部护理到身体护理,这里都能满足你的需求。专业的按摩师会根据你的身体状况和需求,为你量身定制按摩方案,让你在享受按摩的过程中,感受到身体的舒缓和心灵的宁静。 除了专业的按摩服务,听悦SPA还提供多种美容护理项目。从面部护理、身体护理到足疗,这里都能满足你的需求。在美容师的专业护理下,你的肌肤会变得更加水润、细腻,整个人也会焕发出青春的光彩。 听悦SPA的环境也是一大亮点。店内设有多个独立的按摩房,每个房间都配备了独立的卫生间和休息区,让你在享受按摩的过程中,能够保持私密性。此外,听悦SPA还提供茶水、水果等免费饮品,让你在享受服务的同时,还能品尝到美食。 值得一提的是,听悦SPA的价格非常合理。与其他高端SPA中心相比,这里的价格更加亲民。无论是情侣约会、朋友聚会,还是家庭休闲,听悦SPA都是一个不错的选择。 总之,听悦SPA凭借其独特的环境、专业的服务、合理的价格,成为了武汉众多消费者心中的首选。在这里,你可以尽情地放松身心,享受生活的美好。无论是忙碌的工作日,还是休闲的周末,来到听悦SPA,你都能找到属于自己的宁静时光。
