Lin Jun "hey little things"


The two men walked all the way back and forth, saying that the named one was messy in the original wind.
my God
What’s the situation?
Don’t ask what’s going on. Director Lin’s eyes are as accurate as those of a murderer. Now, if you can’t find four kilograms of lobster yourself, it’s going to be a disaster.
Internet users are still talking about suluo’s "trespassing" focus interview with Tianxiu pickpockets.
But when the clock struck 9 o’clock sharp, Weibo’s topic changed instantly.
"The pit owner came out again after his premature death. Mud Meng, watch the sports channel."
"The pit owner is on the sports channel again. I repeat, the pit owner is on the sports channel."
"Wow, really"
"The pit owner broke into the sports channel again."
"What the hell"
"Forget the ghost and go and see it."
Chapter seven hundred and ten The pit owner explained the table tennis match in fancy.
The ratings of sports channels have soared, and it is silly to look at the leaders outside the studio.
"more and less"
"broken 4"
"It’s not surprising that our sports channel has always been a popular channel. Generally speaking, the ratings of the World Table Tennis Championships finals are around 2."
The director of the sports channel suddenly paused, as if he had found something extraordinary. Half of the people in the trough came here for suluo.
Yes, table tennis is watched by many people. Otherwise, your national game is really useless. I think table tennis is unpopular, and no one watches basketball and football. Those are purely personal prejudices. Many people like to watch table tennis.
Lin Jun asked with a smile, "When is the Asian preliminaries of the National Football World Cup?"
The director of the sports channel quickly replied "497"
"I’m going to the national table tennis competition like this, and the ratings will exceed the national football."
The leaders were whispering and were temporarily replaced by suluo to explain Yang Ying, which was very unhappy.
"Director, is this really good? suluo, he is a"
Yang Ying also paused. Er, this guy has a lot of occupations. I don’t know which one to say at the moment.
"Singer sports commentary needs very professional knowledge."
"Don’t worry, the news announcer can explain what’s wrong with table tennis."
Began to glance at this sports channel commentary table tennis commentator. She seems to have a lot of opinions about being replaced by suluo.
Yang Ying is a former national player, and her performance in the competition is not very good, but in all fairness, some technical things are still very good from a professional point of view, but many viewers just don’t like her.
It’s no secret that the audience likes watching table tennis matches but hates listening to Yang Ying’s explanation. Many fans said that they immediately became silent when they saw Yang Ying’s explanation.
Netizens commented on her.
"The explanation is to mobilize the general assembly. The hole is a slogan. I want to find a word from my intestines for a long time, and I want to find a word from my stomach for a while. It’s funny to spell it without culture."
"I love to show off, and there is nothing to show off. I don’t have any weighty champions, but I always like to explain in a big voice what I am like."
It really makes sense to be said by netizens. Began to laugh.
I really don’t blame myself for changing her. When suluo came, she also said that she was a guest star. I heard that a female commentator was very clamoring for men and women to work together.
When suluo and she first met, they said that they would make a guest appearance to explain Yang Ying, so they were unhappy. Without smiling, they "attacked" suluo. "I heard that suluo can sing, but I really didn’t know that suluo can explain the ball game."
As for suluo’s short temper, she waved her hand on the spot and directly interrupted her. "Hey, it’s my fault that I’m usually too low-key. I’ll go east and west a lot. Besides, I always think it’s easiest to explain two kinds of sports games. One is to explain the national football game, and the other is to shout a good ball in the national table tennis game."
A word choked Yang Ying speechless.
According to began to know suluo for half a day, this is tactful. He is crazy today. I dare not give him a look. You give him a look.
I’ll give you a face if I don’t directly criticize you for that little temper. Think about yourself, who has been with me for many years.
He’s the one who talks today, so just be good, okay
look at
Suluo has already shown up.
Dear audience, this is the sports channel. You brought the men’s singles final of the World Table Tennis Championships. I am a non-professional and unknown table tennis commentator suluo.
"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa"
"Ha ha ha ha it was the pit owner"
"Poof, you are a little self-aware."
The picture has been turned to the game scene, but the fans are excited to hear the suluo sound.
"The game will be played by Lin Junxiong from China against Lin Junxiong from Sato Hideyoshi. Everyone is familiar with the captain of the national table tennis men’s team, which is currently ranked first in the world.
And from Japan, the young teenager Sato Hideyoshi is currently ranked No.1 in the world and has the title of Japanese Table Tennis Hope Star. How powerful is it? It is certain that it is no problem to abuse me. "
"Poof, can you stop teasing?"

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走进商务按摩中心,首先映入眼帘的是豪华大气的装修风格。从接待区到按摩房间,每一个角落都透露出高端与舒适。预约制的服务机制确保了顾客在享受服务的同时,能够充分保障个人隐私。在这里,每位顾客都可以根据自己的需求,选择适合自己的按摩项目,如水疗、SPA、角色扮演等,满足不同层次的消费需求。 商务按摩中心拥有全国16家直营店,遍布北上广深、天津、成都、南京、珠海、青岛、重庆、大连、武汉、东莞、苏州等城市,为顾客提供了极大的便利。这里的技师队伍由18-25岁的年轻专业人才组成,他们经过严格的转业培训,技术娴熟,能够为客户提供高质量的按摩服务。 在商务按摩中心,每位顾客都能享受到高规格的接待。到达指定地点,就会有专门的迎宾人员前来迎接,为顾客提供面子。此外,中心的项目种类繁多,顾客可以根据自己的喜好挑选满意的服务项目。营业时间从11点至24点,确保了顾客能够在合适的时间段内享受服务。 商务按摩中心在企业文化上同样注重顾客满意度。到店后,无论是对项目、人员还是环境有任何不满意之处,顾客都可以随时离开,无需担心强制消费。这种人性化的服务理念,赢得了广大顾客的信任和好评。 在商务按摩中心,顾客不仅可以享受到高质量的按摩服务,还可以在优雅的环境中,与朋友、同事进行商务洽谈,增进彼此的了解和信任。在这里,人们可以暂时放下繁忙的工作,沉浸在舒适的环境中,放松身心,提升自己的生活质量。 总之,武汉商务按摩中心以其独特的预约制服务、豪华的装修风格、专业的技师队伍和人性化的企业文化,成为了商务人士的理想选择。在这里,顾客可以尽情享受按摩带来的愉悦,恢复活力,以更好的状态投入到工作和生活中。



听悦SPA的店面装修简约而不失高雅,整体色调以米白色和淡蓝色为主,给人一种宁静、舒适的感觉。走进店内,轻柔的音乐和柔和的灯光让人瞬间放松下来。在这里,你可以尽情地享受专业的按摩服务,缓解一天的疲劳。 听悦SPA拥有一支专业的按摩师团队,他们经过严格的培训,掌握了多种按摩技巧。从泰式按摩、中式按摩到瑞典式按摩,从面部护理到身体护理,这里都能满足你的需求。专业的按摩师会根据你的身体状况和需求,为你量身定制按摩方案,让你在享受按摩的过程中,感受到身体的舒缓和心灵的宁静。 除了专业的按摩服务,听悦SPA还提供多种美容护理项目。从面部护理、身体护理到足疗,这里都能满足你的需求。在美容师的专业护理下,你的肌肤会变得更加水润、细腻,整个人也会焕发出青春的光彩。 听悦SPA的环境也是一大亮点。店内设有多个独立的按摩房,每个房间都配备了独立的卫生间和休息区,让你在享受按摩的过程中,能够保持私密性。此外,听悦SPA还提供茶水、水果等免费饮品,让你在享受服务的同时,还能品尝到美食。 值得一提的是,听悦SPA的价格非常合理。与其他高端SPA中心相比,这里的价格更加亲民。无论是情侣约会、朋友聚会,还是家庭休闲,听悦SPA都是一个不错的选择。 总之,听悦SPA凭借其独特的环境、专业的服务、合理的价格,成为了武汉众多消费者心中的首选。在这里,你可以尽情地放松身心,享受生活的美好。无论是忙碌的工作日,还是休闲的周末,来到听悦SPA,你都能找到属于自己的宁静时光。
