Flexor looked at the food on the table and couldn’t help but move his forefinger. These ri fled desperately, which made him unable to sleep because he didn’t have enough to eat all the way.


Although he was ready to die or sell slaves after being captured, he was still not uneasy at this time, and the food on the table made him hungry.
When Qu Lie let go of his hands and feet, grabbed the mutton and shoveled it into his mouth, he picked up Ma nai wine and sipped it at his mouth.
Li Chongjiu looked at each other and didn’t talk. This time, he defeated the Khitan Xi Coalition forces and captured more than 50,000 prisoners of war in one breath. The number of prisoners was very large, but when he was surprised, he didn’t catch a few nobles of the two ethnic groups. Not to mention that Luo Fu was the Khitan department, but none of them were arrested.
It’s good to deal with the captured Xizu III, but Qidan is trouble.
Li Chongjiu also ordered the Han people who knew the Khitan dialect to be questioned, but when asked that all the Khitans were tight-lipped, he said that even the tribal leaders did not collect a few Khitans, which made him manage these prisoners effectively.
At last, there is a man who claims to be a violet in Yili, Fufu, Qidan, and asks for Li Chongjiu.
Li Chongjiu immediately met with him.
After eating a half-full, Qu Lie seems to see that Li Chongjiu has never opened his mouth. When he put wine and meat on his hands, he smeared a word on his fur robe. "Khan, we all saw that we Khitans lost our hearts in the battle of Han Chinese strength, but dare to ask Khan to station troops in Bailang Mountain?"
Li Chongjiu asked, "What do you think this is?"
Qu Lie said with fuels, "I heard that Khan is a man with great ambitions, and it is a great opportunity for Khan to make progress. I guess Khan’s goal should be to go south rather than north, so I don’t think Khan Ying should be able to occupy the white wolf and the land in the north by defeating us in World War I, or the Khitans will become ministers."
Li Chong-jiu’s heart said, "It’s extraordinary that this person is really knowledgeable in Yi Li."
Li Chongjiu said thoughtfully, "I Han people don’t like to fight, but you Khitans have violated our territory twice, so I have to fight back. I ask you, which of these two wars was initiated by our Han people? In violation of your Khitan territory, you can rob us Han people, and we Han people can’t rob you Khitans. "
Qu Lie bowed his head and said, "The strong king eats the weak, which is the principle pursued by all the people in the grassland. I never recognize what is wrong with us Khitans to rob the Han people. The only mistake is that we misjudged your Han people’s strength twice, which is our ignorance."
Flexor paused, saying, "But you Han people have won the two wars. This time, the victory over me in Qidan has been a complete defeat. But I Khitan people are not afraid of death. Khan won this war, so it is impossible for us Khitan ministers to fight you Han people to the end unless we kill all our Khitans."
Li Chongjiu sneered at a word: "You and I dare not kill all the Khitans. How many tribes in Liaodong have risen and how many tribes have perished? I believe they will not be unwilling if I unite with the Xi people to eradicate the Khitans."
Flexor column got up and said, "Even if the Khitan perishes, will the northern border of the Han people be calm? The Xi people who swallowed up our Khitan Department will be against you when they become stronger in the future. "
"Then I’ll eradicate them in the future. Don’t deny that we Han Liaodong ministries have always been like this for thousands of years. Fuyu Wu Huan Wei Shi how many tribes in Liaodong, North Korea have collapsed, but we Han people have been south today, "Li Chongjiu said."
For a moment, Qu Lie was speechless. "Khan, I didn’t come here to see you because I hope that the Khitan Han people will be enemies for generations, but that the two families can have a peaceful solution."
Li Chongjiu took a look at each other’s heart and said that Nurhachi Li Chengliang must have said that.
Li Chongjiu said, "You mean to let me put the Khitan back and continue to be your barbarian violet so that I can oppose Dahe’s Han soldiers to us? Or help you defeat Dahe’s unified Khitan? "
Qu Lie proudly said, "Don’t talk to me about Khan for a long time. If I bend a Li Qidan, I won’t swear to the Han soldiers."
Li Chongjiu looked at each other and said, "Okay, I believe you."
Flexor listened to the exultation and said, "Thank you Khan."
"Wait," Li Chongjiu said, "Don’t thank you yet. You can go back to Qidan and this time you Fufuyu prisoners can be released, but your son must stay."
Flexor nodded and said, "I know the rules. I have five children to stay with."
Li Chongjiu said, "The oldest three people will be fine. Don’t worry, I will let people teach them Chinese knowledge well. After three years, if Qidan is safe in Youzhou, I will put it back."
So Li Chongjiu reached an agreement.
Immediately, Qu Lie returned to Qidan with more than 5,000 prisoners from Fu Fu Yu Department, and Li Chongjiu returned them to the other side, and seized 6,000 horses, cattle and sheep and 20,000 heads.
Before Qu Lie left, Su Su said to Li Chongjiu, "The Khitans are so cunning and faithless that we can’t trust them easily even if we have hostages."
After hearing this, Li Chongjiu said, "This time, the Khitan department captured a lot of people, and the forces were bound to be hurt. Only the Fufuyu department was not only ill, but its strength increased greatly. You said that he would think about it."
Suso nodded and said, "I’m overrated if Xiao Jiu really thinks thoroughly."
Li Chongjiu smiled and said, "We defeated the Khitan Xi nationality in less than three years, and the western Liaoning border may suffer from Luo Yi’s death. Yuyang County can take advantage of the situation and leave the high-speed road, and it is difficult to unite the secluded state. ri can stay in the face and make progress in the Central Plains."
Suso also nodded and looked at the mountains in the south.
On the outskirts of Jixian County, Lu Qian, Zhao Rangao and Xu Dao all stood outside the city, and they were surrounded by Zhuojun gentry. Now they are eagerly looking forward to Li Chongjiu’s return from western Liaoning.
It is already hot in June, and many people can’t grasp the season well, so they are all dressed in thick clothes, so they are sweating all over.
On one side, all the servants were supported by three housekeepers, holding umbrellas and sending plum soup to quench their thirst, but even so, it was still a hot feeling.
The weather is particularly irritable, and Lu Qian, three people are unhappy. Even if the servants try their best to fan the wind, they still feel hot and dry.
"I didn’t expect this street child to defeat the 160,000-strong army of the Khitan Xi nationality. I don’t think this child deliberately spun it up." Zhao Ran said with a face of displeasure that he remembered Li Chongjiu when ri was so angry with himself.
Gao Xudao echoed by saying, "I think it’s also killing 10 thousand people and losing 3 thousand. Is this little hand of Li a mountain soldier? If it doesn’t work, it’s a terrible victory."
Lu Qian saw that the two men were so short-sighted. How can Li Chongjiu be false in such a war? Once he lost the Khitan, he would March in from the north, and then Youzhou would suffer. Although he didn’t want to see Li Chongjiu win again and again, he was not so short-sighted. Once Li Chongjiu lost the Lujia Youzhou industry, it would inevitably be plundered by the Khitans.
"Here comes the army." People looking outside came to the front of the three men and left.
"You two can stop" Lu Qian said slightly unhappily.
When Zhao Gao saw Lu Qian’s opening, they all kept silent. When Lu Qian moved, the gentry were all on the roadside to greet Li Chongjiu’s triumphant return to Zhuojun.
Zhao Gao imagined that the beaten army was different, and Li Chongjiu’s Li army was at its peak. The winning army won the battle, and the prisoners of war in the long queue could know that it was definitely a big victory without looking at the fresh clothes Numafan cavalry.

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南湖,这个充满魅力的地方,不仅在白天展现出其独特的韵味,夜晚的南湖更是让人陶醉。在这里,美食狂欢与娱乐无限,为市民和游客带来一场视觉、味觉的盛宴。 夜晚的南湖,华灯初上,湖面波光粼粼,犹如一幅美丽的画卷。湖边的美食摊位一字排开,香气四溢,令人垂涎欲滴。这里有各种地方特色小吃,如烧烤、麻辣烫、炸鸡、臭豆腐等,满足不同人群的口味需求。尤其是南湖的特色美食,如糖葫芦、豆腐脑、煎饼果子等,更是让人回味无穷。 在南湖的夜市中,街头艺人表演也是一大亮点。吉他弹唱、魔术表演、相声小品等节目轮番上演,为市民和游客带来欢乐。此外,还有各种趣味小摊位,如套圈、打气枪、捏泥人等,让人在品尝美食的同时,也能感受到浓厚的市井文化。 除了美食,南湖的娱乐活动也是丰富多彩。湖边的广场上,常常举办各类文艺演出,如舞蹈、歌曲、戏曲等,让人大饱眼福。此外,南湖还有许多休闲场所,如咖啡馆、酒吧、KTV等,为市民和游客提供放松身心的好去处。 对于热爱运动的朋友来说,南湖的夜晚同样精彩。湖边的篮球场、足球场灯火通明,夜幕下的运动者们挥洒汗水,释放压力。而湖中的游船,则为游客提供了独特的水上体验,让人在欣赏美景的同时,感受南湖夜晚的宁静与浪漫。 值得一提的是,南湖的夜生活不仅仅是美食和娱乐,还有许多富有文化底蕴的活动。如南湖花巷,这里聚集了众多特色店铺和非遗文化项目,让人在品尝美食、欣赏表演的同时,还能感受到传统文化的魅力。此外,南湖还经常举办户外音乐会、露天电影等活动,为市民和游客带来丰富的文化生活。 总之,南湖的夜生活让人流连忘返。在这里,你可以尽情享受美食狂欢,感受娱乐无限。无论是与亲朋好友聚会,还是独自漫步湖边,南湖都能给你带来美好的夜晚时光。夜晚的南湖,犹如一颗璀璨的明珠,照亮了这座城市的夜空。



《武汉夜市美食:品尝这座城市的特色小吃》 夜幕低垂,华灯初上,武汉的夜市便开始了它的热闹时光。这座城市,被誉为“中国美食之都”,夜市中的美食更是让人流连忘返。在这里,你可以品尝到地道的武汉特色小吃,感受这座城市的独特魅力。 首先,不得不提的是武汉的热干面。作为武汉最具代表性的面食,热干面以其独特的口感和丰富的层次感,成为了武汉人的早餐首选。一碗热干面,面条筋道爽滑,淋上特制的芝麻酱、辣椒油和葱姜等调料,再撒上葱花、酸豆角等配菜,满口的酱香和辣味,让人欲罢不能。 行走在夜市中,你还会发现许多令人垂涎的小吃。其中,豆皮是武汉的传统小吃之一,外皮金黄酥脆,内馅则是糯米、肉丁、鲜蛋、鲜虾仁等食材,口感丰富,味道鲜美。咬一口豆皮,外皮的酥脆和内馅的软糯在口中交织,让人回味无穷。 在武汉夜市,你还可以品尝到各种特色小吃,如面窝、鲜鱼糊汤粉、烤肉粉、烤冷面等。面窝因其形状酷似一个小太阳而得名,外皮金黄酥脆,内里则是软糯可口。鲜鱼糊汤粉则以野生小鲫鱼为主料,熬制出的鱼汤醇厚鲜美,米粉在鱼汤中煮熟,再淋上特制的调料和配菜,口感爽滑,味道鲜美。 值得一提的是,武汉的夜市中还有许多具有地方特色的美食。比如汉阳的鸭脖,以其独特的制作工艺和醇厚的口感而闻名遐迩。选用上等的鸭肉,经过腌制、煮炸等多个环节制成,每一根鸭脖都酥脆可口,入口即化。而剁椒鱼头则是汉阳的特色美食,揉合了湖北菜和川菜的精华,口感丰富且刺激。 当然,武汉的夜市美食怎能少了甜品呢?小团团是武汉非常受欢迎的一种甜品,以糯米为主料,加上各种水果和糖浆,甜而不腻,口感绵软。这种独特的甜品,绝对会让你的味蕾得到满足。 武汉的夜市美食,不仅味道独特,更承载着这座城市的文化底蕴。在这里,你可以感受到武汉人民的热情与执着,体验到这座城市的独特魅力。无论是热干面、豆皮,还是其他特色小吃,都让人回味无穷。 总之,武汉夜市美食是品尝这座城市特色小吃的不二之选。在这里,你可以尽情地享受美食带来的快乐,感受这座城市的独特魅力。当你走进武汉的夜市,你会发现,这里的美味不仅仅是一种味蕾的享受,更是一种心灵的触动。



《武汉江汉路步行街:繁华夜市里的独特风情》 夜幕低垂,华灯初上,武汉的江汉路步行街逐渐被夜色包裹,焕发出它独特的繁华与风情。作为中国最长的步行街之一,江汉路以其悠久的历史、独特的建筑风格和丰富的夜市文化,成为武汉不可或缺的城市名片。 江汉路步行街全长1600米,位于汉口中心地带,始建于1906年,至今已有百年历史。这条百年老街见证了武汉从繁华走向现代的历程,也承载着武汉人无数的回忆。街道两旁,西洋建筑林立,古典与现代交织,仿佛走进了一个时光隧道。 夜幕降临,江汉路步行街的夜市热闹非凡。各式各样的美食、小吃、特产琳琅满目,让人眼花缭乱。江汉路豆皮、鸭脖、热干面等武汉特色小吃,让人垂涎欲滴。在这里,你可以品尝到地道的武汉美食,感受这座城市的独特魅力。 江汉路步行街的夜市不仅美食丰富,购物体验也相当出色。这里有各类店铺400余家,专卖店和老字号90多家,国内外知名品牌集中,满足了不同消费者的需求。走在江汉路上,犹如走进一家巨型露天商场,让人流连忘返。 江汉路步行街的夜市文化独具特色。这里既有传统的市井气息,又不乏现代时尚元素。街头巷尾,各种表演、街头艺人纷纷登场,为夜市增添了无限活力。漫步在江汉路上,你可以欣赏到优美的背景音乐,感受夜市的浪漫氛围。 江汉路步行街的夜景更是美不胜收。五彩斑斓的灯光照亮了整个街道,流光溢彩,如梦似幻。夜色笼罩下的江汉路,犹如一条璀璨的银河,让人陶醉其中。此外,江汉路的路灯还可以为手机无线充电,为夜游的人们提供了极大便利。 江汉路步行街不仅是武汉市民休闲娱乐的好去处,更是游客了解武汉、体验武汉风情的重要窗口。在这里,你可以感受到武汉这座城市的繁华与活力,也可以体会到武汉人热情好客、豪爽直率的性格。 总之,江汉路步行街作为武汉繁华夜市里的独特风情代表,以其悠久的历史、独特的建筑风格、丰富的夜市文化和美丽的夜景,成为了武汉不可或缺的城市名片。在这里,你可以尽情享受武汉的美食、购物、娱乐,感受这座城市的独特魅力。江汉路步行街,期待你的到来!
